

Brief submission to the AEMC consultation paper on National Energy Retail Amendment (Notification of the end of a fixed benefit period)

19 October 2017, COTA Submissions
October 2017 - COTA welcomes the opportunity to provide a brief comment to the AEMC consultation paper on National Energy Retail Amendment (Notification of the end of a fixed benefit period) Rule 2017 (Reference RRC0010) dated 12 September 2017.

Submission to Social Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform) Bill 2017 Inquiry

22 August 2017, COTA Submissions
August 2017 - Submission on the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform) Bill 2017, now before the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee. COTA Australia is addressing only the provisions relating to changes to the Activity Test for older jobseekers receiving Newstart Allowance