Priorities For The Federal Budget 2014-15

COTA is urging the Government to use this Budget to lay firm foundations for dealing with the ageing of the population in the coming years. To do this we have recommended the development of a whole-of-government action plan on ageing that would set the policy framework for future actions (Recommendation 1).

We are also recommending actions across five key areas:

1. Health

2. Aged Support and care

3. Workforce Participation

4. Housing and Homelessness

5. Income Support


Access to good quality health services is a priority.  We are calling for a systematic review of Medicare to ensure this is a reality and for no increase in out of pocket expenses for health services (Recommendations 2 and 3).

Aged Support and Care The current aged care reform agenda includes strategies to support increased demand and a range of initiatives designed to improve service delivery. This must continue and be enhanced. We are calling for reorientation of the service system to one which is consumer directed and takes a restorative approach to service design and delivery. (Recommendations 4-6).

Workforce participation

Increasing workforce participation of older people would contribute to improved productivity in the economy and the wellbeing of individuals. COTA is asking for action to remove remaining age limits on superannuation, assistance for small and medium sized enterprises to employ more mature age workers and raising the superannuation preservation age to 62 (Recommendations 7-9).

Housing and Homelessness

The shortage of affordable housing is affecting older people, particularly those in the private rental market. COTA is calling for an immediate increase in Commonwealth Rent Assistance and long term investment in social housing. We are also calling for continued Commonwealth funding to address the needs of people who are homeless (Recommendations 10-12).

Income Support

The gap between pensions and allowances has widened too far, particularly for single people. Single people who rely on allowances are living in poverty. COTA is calling for an immediate increase of $50 per week for single people on allowances and improved indexation of allowances (Recommendations 13 and 14).