

MEDIA RELEASE: Liquid Assets Waiting Period for JobSeeker payments must be abolished to save many tens of thousands from falling into poverty

13 May 2020
Preventing many tens of thousands of newly unemployed older Australians from falling into poverty by abolishing the Liquid Assets Waiting Period (LAWP) must be amongst the top of mind priorities for the Government, says Council on the Ageing (COTA) Australia, as the newly resumed Parliament plots th

MEDIA RELEASE: ACOSS/UNSW report highlights the need to increase Newstart and ensure the age pension is sufficient to prevent older Australians living in poverty

21 February 2020
Today’s report ‘2020 Poverty in Australia Overview’ highlights the fact that the government’s refusal to increase Newstart is forcing many older Australians to live way below the poverty line, the peak consumer body of older Australians said today.

MEDIA RELEASE: Budget Reply 2019 – 350,000 older job seekers will still be left in poverty under Labor

5 April 2019
The Opposition’s Budget Reply, like the government’s Budget, still leaves 350,000 job seekers older than 45 years out in the cold by failing to commit to increased Newstart payments, COTA Australia, said today.